Incrementum GROWEX Trading Signals

Thứ hạng Chờ giải quyết , Thực tế , USD , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $35.00/Month

Incrementum GROWEX Trading Signals

Thứ hạng Chờ giải quyết , Thực tế , USD , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $35.00/Month

Incrementum is a hedge / retirement type of fund type of trading portfolio of robust automated strategies based on timeless methods. It trades big moves, and its purpose is to change the financial future for those with time window of 10-25 years and beat index funds. The methods include simple-made trend following and mean reversal, increasing likelihood for long-term robustness.

Incrementum is backtested with accurate methods, using 20 years of history. We have also stress tested the strategy thoroughly with Monte Carlo simulation, and the system gets updates based on the long-term success. The current version of Incrementum is 1.6, introduced July 2023.

Key data for Incrementum:
Trades certain select FX pairs, XAUUSD, crude oil and BTCUSD. Works on any broker (please set slippage tolerance to max 10 pips), on leverages of 20:1 and above. To practice same level of risk management, an account min. 2k usd.

Earnings and risk based on quality backtest history:
Av. 27.05% profit/year. 18/20 of the years have been profitable. Max. Drawdown: 26.45%.
Data on high certainty of 10K Monte Carlo simulations, simulating genuinely very bad times for the strategy produces very similar profits and a 43.59% DD.

Sơ đồ khoản thu được

May 19 2023 tại 20:52
Số liệu thống kê có từ trước
  • Số dư: $6911.07
  • Vốn cổ phần: (101.17%) $6,991.93
  • PL thả nổi: $80.86
  • Tiền ký quỹ: $8599.93
  • Số tiền rút: $0
  • Các giao dịch: 332
  • Pips: 19,023
  • Số tiền giành được: 42%
  • Trung bình Thời gian giao dịch: 4d
  • Các lô : 18.36
  • Hệ số lợi nhuận: 0.81
  • Hàng ngày: -0.01%
  • Hàng tháng: -0.19%
  • Số lượng giao dịch mỗi tháng 9
  • Mức kỳ vọng: 57.3 Pips / -$5.09
Hàng tháng Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
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Hoạt động Timezone: GMT +3
Ngày mở Ngày đóng Biểu tượng Hành động Các lô SL TP Mở Đóng Pips Lợi nhuận Thời gian Lợi
15.05.2023 02:34:16 17.05.2023 10:15:40 USDJPY Bán 0.18 136.87200 135.07200 135.87000 136.87200 -100.2 -137.33 2d -1.95%
10.05.2023 20:00:00 16.05.2023 16:44:51 GBPJPY Bán 0.09 170.83500 166.28500 169.53500 170.84300 -130.8 -94.14 5d -1.32%
05.05.2023 08:00:01 12.05.2023 18:26:39 AUDUSD Mua 0.06 0.66454 0.68954 0.67354 0.66454 -90.0 -55.45 7d -0.77%
05.05.2023 20:00:00 11.05.2023 14:46:02 GBPJPY Mua 0.06 168.80500 175.30500 170.30500 168.80400 -150.1 -63.13 5d -0.87%
08.05.2023 16:00:00 10.05.2023 19:59:16 GBPJPY Mua 0.09 169.50200 174.80200 170.80300 169.49400 -130.9 -85.94 2d -1.17%
05.05.2023 17:00:10 08.05.2023 21:05:04 GBPUSD Mua 0.15 1.26189 - 1.25989 1.26187 19.8 28.28 3d +0.39%
03.05.2023 16:00:00 05.05.2023 18:46:46 GBPJPY Bán 0.09 170.52900 165.97800 169.22600 170.52900 -130.3 -91.52 2d -1.24%
05.05.2023 06:21:20 05.05.2023 15:30:02 GBPUSD Mua 0.15 1.25737 - 1.25990 1.25635 -35.5 -54.08 9h 8m -0.72%
03.05.2023 20:00:00 04.05.2023 17:22:13 GBPJPY Mua 0.06 168.45100 174.95100 169.95100 168.45100 -150.0 -65.22 21h 22m -0.87%
04.04.2023 17:08:15 03.05.2023 21:33:31 XAUUSD Mua 0.06 1805.77000 - 2009.72000 2020.47000 1075.0 31.92 29d +0.43%
Trang của 35
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Trang của 1
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