Captain Smab Plus Signals

Thứ hạng Chờ giải quyết , Thực tế , USD , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $39.00/Month

Captain Smab Plus Signals

Thứ hạng Chờ giải quyết , Thực tế , USD , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $39.00/Month

EUR/USD Scalping + Indicator + Money Management.

New Update:

22/01/2018: Dear subscribers, our trading criterias weren't trigger any trades last night. When EURUSD range is limited or the market conditions are unfavourable my strategy doesn't take any unecessary risks, so please don't be so anxious about not opening positions every day.
Thank you very much for your understanding.

01/01/2019: Happy New Year! We will trade next week. Be prepared!
12/24/2018: Happy Merry Christmas Subscribers! We go back soon! Just enjoy and relax with your family and friends. 2019 will have good profits. :)
12/20/2018: Dear subscribers, our tighter than usual trading criteria (due to the FED meeting today) weren't met last night, so we didn't had any trades. We will not trade tonight because its dangerous with the FED interest rate decision and forward guidance 'haunting' the markets. We will trade again cautiously on Friday and then we will stop from the 24th of December to the 4th of January. I am not going to take unnecessary risks during this dangerous period in order to justify my subscription cost. I am doing that by generating profits when the market conditions allow it and by protecting our capital when the risk is greater than the potential reward. Thank you very much for your attention!

I have adjusted my trading strategy to work with a good money management with the help of indicator to ensure good entries reducing risk of every transaction. Since this is a mixed signal (automated / manual), at my discretion. I will refrain from making transactions during certain periods of instability.
Do not worry if you do not receive transactions for a day or two, this will be part of my strategy + indicator!
The power of accumulation is a silent perfect friend, the new strategy will use an autolot feature(increases or decreases a little the lot size), the lot is fixed based of my current balance amount and risk. Don't worry about this amazing feature, because it only increases if my balance increases.

This is my live account with real money on the line, so I want to see this through just as much as you all so that we have a profitable, and stress-free run.

- 95% win rate of every transaction.
- Max order: 2

Sơ đồ khoản thu được

Jun 29 2019 tại 22:31
Số liệu thống kê có từ trước
  • Số dư: $0.00
  • Vốn cổ phần: (0%) $0
  • PL thả nổi: $0.00
  • Tiền ký quỹ: $1000.00
  • Số tiền rút: $987.35
  • Các giao dịch: 65
  • Pips: 79.5
  • Số tiền giành được: 88%
  • Trung bình Thời gian giao dịch: 3h 31m
  • Các lô : 14.35
  • Hệ số lợi nhuận: 0.97
  • Hàng ngày: 0.00%
  • Hàng tháng: -0.02%
  • Số lượng giao dịch mỗi tháng 1
  • Mức kỳ vọng: 1.2 Pips / -$0.19
Hàng tháng Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Các biểu tượng
Hoạt động Timezone: GMT +3
Ngày mở Ngày đóng Biểu tượng Hành động Các lô SL TP Mở Đóng Pips Lợi nhuận Thời gian Lợi
06.03.2019 06:49:13 - - Rút tiền - - - -987.35 - -
04.03.2019 02:05:07 04.03.2019 17:37:14 EURUSD Mua 0.24 - - 1.13709 1.13100 -60.9 -147.84 15h 32m -13.02%
04.03.2019 01:50:05 04.03.2019 17:32:12 EURUSD Mua 0.24 - - 1.13731 1.13124 -60.7 -147.36 15h 42m -11.49%
28.02.2019 02:25:08 28.02.2019 09:22:55 EURUSD Mua 0.24 - - 1.13760 1.13805 4.5 9.12 6h 57m +0.72%
27.02.2019 02:35:01 27.02.2019 02:55:00 EURUSD Mua 0.23 - - 1.13896 1.13907 1.1 0.92 19m +0.07%
27.02.2019 02:40:05 27.02.2019 02:55:00 EURUSD Mua 0.23 - - 1.13905 1.13890 -1.5 -5.06 14m -0.40%
26.02.2019 02:00:00 26.02.2019 02:50:22 EURUSD Bán 0.26 - - 1.13644 1.13620 2.4 4.42 50m +0.35%
26.02.2019 02:05:02 26.02.2019 02:50:21 EURUSD Bán 0.26 - - 1.13648 1.13613 3.5 7.28 45m +0.58%
26.02.2019 01:30:01 26.02.2019 01:49:45 EURUSD Mua 0.25 - - 1.13582 1.13621 3.9 8.00 19m +0.64%
25.02.2019 02:55:00 25.02.2019 04:35:21 EURUSD Bán 0.24 - - 1.13471 1.13425 4.6 9.36 1h 40m +0.75%
Trang của 7
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