3 Pair Hedged Pullback Signals

Thứ hạng Chờ giải quyết , Thực tế , USD , Trader's Way , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $99.00/Month

3 Pair Hedged Pullback Signals

Thứ hạng Chờ giải quyết , Thực tế , USD , Trader's Way , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $99.00/Month

I'm a professional trader of 3 years now and have developed a 3 pair hedged strategy that uses the GBPCAD, AUDCAD and NZDCAD. This is just about the safest trading system out there because it's able to adapt to the current and future market. I've been developing the strategy now for over 4 years and have worked with just about every market trading condition. The strategy has been proven to be profitable over the last 11 years on each of my trading pairs in testing. It's also able to trade profitably during even the worst of news conditions.

This system at the current risk level with a $1000 account should bring you 10-15% profit per month. I have a 500 pip SL on every trade. The system only uses this 500 pips SL as precaution. The strategy/system has yet to hit this SL in the live market and in it's 11 years of testing! This is why I call it the safest way to trade. It can trade in ANY market condition.

The system is also FIFO COMPLIANT even though Signal start does not label it as so. This strategy is also currently being used at OANDA where I manage over $117k for a friend there.

What account sizes and leverage do I recommend?

-At least $2000 if you have a 50:1 leverage account using my signal. Risk should be no more than 0.02 lots per trade (5-7% profit a month possible)
-At least a $1000 account if you have a 100:1 account using my signal. Risk should be no more than 0.02 lots per order. (10-15% profit a month possible)
-At least a $500 account if you have 200:1 account or higher leverage using my signal. Risk should be no more than 0.01 lots per order. (15-25% profit a month possible)
-Starting with $500 is VERY risky because of how small the total account balance is. I would recommend starting with at least $1000.

Sơ đồ khoản thu được

Mar 12 2021 tại 10:01
Số liệu thống kê có từ trước
  • Số dư: $0.00
  • Vốn cổ phần: (0%) $0
  • PL thả nổi: $0.00
  • Tiền ký quỹ: $26748.12
  • Số tiền rút: $19,626.69
  • Các giao dịch: 238
  • Pips: -3,632.1
  • Số tiền giành được: 64%
  • Trung bình Thời gian giao dịch: 1d
  • Các lô : 75.49
  • Hệ số lợi nhuận: 0.44
  • Hàng ngày: -0.15%
  • Hàng tháng: -4.38%
  • Số lượng giao dịch mỗi tháng 3
  • Mức kỳ vọng: -15.3 Pips / -$29.92
Hàng tháng Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
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Hoạt động Timezone: GMT +3
Ngày mở Ngày đóng Biểu tượng Hành động Các lô SL TP Mở Đóng Pips Lợi nhuận Thời gian Lợi
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29.11.2018 16:35:19 - - Rút tiền - - - -635.82 - -
27.11.2018 16:55:25 28.11.2018 06:42:56 GBPCADI Bán 1.00 - - 1.69144 1.69510 -36.6 -287.39 13h 47m -31.13%
22.11.2018 18:00:00 27.11.2018 16:38:16 GBPCADI Mua 1.00 - - 1.70124 1.69355 -76.9 -602.91 4d -39.51%
Trang của 28
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