Perception Pro 신호

순위 #211 , 실제 거래 , USD , xChief , 1:200 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

Perception Pro 신호

순위 #211 , 실제 거래 , USD , xChief , 1:200 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

I have been actively involved in trading since 2015. My trading approach primarily revolves around identifying reversal patterns on a daily and weekly basis. While I don't typically employ 'Stop Loss' or 'Take Profit' orders, I do exit trades when the initial reasons for entering them no longer hold true. It is important to note that some trades may be held for extended periods, spanning weeks or even months. This is a deliberate part of my trading system, so there's no need to be concerned.

To clarify, I do not employ risky strategies such as martingale or grid systems. However, I do occasionally utilize an averaging technique, which entails taking multiple entries in the same direction. It's worth mentioning that I do not rely on automated trading robots (EA); my approach is entirely manual. Please bear in mind that profitability cannot be guaranteed every day. For a more accurate assessment of the results, I recommend copying my trades for a minimum of 30 days.

이익 차트

1분 전
고급 통계
  • 잔고: $2151.15
  • 순자산: (110.96%) $2,386.97
  • 유동 손익(PL): $235.82
  • 예치금: $2531.00
  • 인출금: $8,500
  • 거래 횟수: 255
  • 핍수: 13,782.4
  • 승률: 58%
  • 평균 거래 시간: 4d
  • 랏수 : 32.14
  • 이익 계수: 2.5
  • 일간: 0.80%
  • 월간: 27.12%
  • 월 거래횟수 18
  • 기대수익률: 54 핍수 / $31.84
월간 Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
활동 Timezone: GMT +3
개시 날짜 종료 날짜 심벌 투자행동 랏수 손절(SL) 익절(TP) 시가 종료 핍수 이익 보유 기간 이익
10.05.2024 17:30:57 10.05.2024 17:38:35 GBPUSD 매수 0.50 - 1.25140 1.25082 1.25140 5.8 26.50 7m +1.25%
08.05.2024 11:55:41 08.05.2024 12:17:15 GBPUSD 매수 0.50 - 1.24800 1.24749 1.24800 5.1 23.00 21m +1.09%
30.04.2024 17:37:48 30.04.2024 17:46:58 GBPUSD 매수 0.01 - - 1.25186 1.25274 8.8 0.83 9m +0.04%
15.04.2024 16:24:18 15.04.2024 17:09:48 GBPUSD 매도 0.25 - - 1.24779 1.24569 21.0 51.25 45m +2.50%
09.04.2024 13:15:13 10.04.2024 15:52:45 GBPUSD 매도 0.25 - - 1.26862 1.26265 59.7 146.92 1d +7.72%
08.04.2024 18:02:48 10.04.2024 15:32:03 GBPUSD 매도 0.50 - 1.26320 1.26422 1.26320 10.2 44.20 1d +2.38%
05.04.2024 00:13:24 05.04.2024 04:56:44 EURUSD 매도 0.50 - 1.08260 1.08360 1.08260 10.0 47.50 4h 43m +2.62%
04.04.2024 02:57:56 04.04.2024 23:09:12 EURUSD 매도 0.01 - - 1.08372 1.08378 -0.6 -0.11 20h 11m -0.01%
25.03.2024 17:17:27 25.03.2024 22:21:30 XAUUSD 매도 0.10 - - 2179.21000 2172.27000 694.0 68.90 5h 4m +3.95%
19.03.2024 16:17:30 20.03.2024 12:22:32 GBPUSD 매도 0.25 - 1.26700 1.26988 1.26937 5.1 10.42 20h 5m +0.60%
페이지 29
미체결 주문이 없음.
페이지 1
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