My Gold Digger 신호

순위 대기 중 , 실제 거래 , USD , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $75.00/Month

My Gold Digger 신호

순위 대기 중 , 실제 거래 , USD , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $75.00/Month

Thanks for your interest in My Gold Digger signal.

I have been trading since 2017. I usually trade after impulses on retracement and I also use hedging technique. My profit target is 2% per day and my maximum loss that I can take is -10% 'Stop Loss' and 'Take Profit' are 95% of the time mental, I use hard stops for overnight trades or when I am not in front of my screens. I open and close trades in the same day, very rarely I keep the trades overnight.

I use averaging technique with calculated entries on support/resistance, small lots and calculated average distances to don't take losses bigger than 10% that's why sometimes I take multiple entries in the same direction.

I trade every day, some days I will have less entries with small profits 0.5% - 1% per day, some days I will have bigger winnings and some days I will lose (I had 2 losing days in 5 months).

My strategy require a lot of patience and observation in order to achieve my daily/weekly/monthly target so if I don't have a clear entry I will not trade that day. If I achieve my daily/weekly target I will not trade unless the market offer me an big opportunity.

My daily goal is 2%, my weekly goal is 10%, these are high targets but if I don't reach them every day/week it's not a problem, I will be satisfy with what I can safely take from the market.
My losing day limit is -10% and I will not trade that day and maybe 1-2 days after a losing day. My mental discipline is strong and I will not violate my principles.

This is 100% manual trading. To get proper results copy my trades for at least 30 days.

이익 차트

May 19 2023 에 20:58
고급 통계
  • 잔고: $0.37
  • 순자산: (100.00%) $0.37
  • 유동 손익(PL): $0.00
  • 예치금: $500.00
  • 인출금: $1,000
  • 거래 횟수: 1,436
  • 핍수: 14,472.8
  • 승률: 67%
  • 평균 거래 시간: 5h 22m
  • 랏수 : 93.68
  • 이익 계수: 1.26
  • 일간: 0.15%
  • 월간: 4.74%
  • 월 거래횟수 46
  • 기대수익률: 10.1 핍수 / $1.09
월간 Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
활동 Timezone: GMT +3
개시 날짜 종료 날짜 심벌 투자행동 랏수 손절(SL) 익절(TP) 시가 종료 핍수 이익 보유 기간 이익
19.05.2023 16:47:57 19.05.2023 17:39:55 XAUUSD 매도 0.01 1964.23000 - 1960.16000 1960.00000 16.0 0.09 51m +0.01%
18.05.2023 09:35:01 18.05.2023 11:05:53 GBPNZD 매도 0.01 1.99533 - 1.99042 1.99536 -49.4 -3.15 1h 30m -0.29%
15.05.2023 09:04:01 17.05.2023 13:47:14 GBPNZD 매도 0.01 2.01609 1.98864 2.00678 1.99149 152.9 9.51 2d +0.90%
16.05.2023 15:37:15 16.05.2023 16:03:32 GBPJPY 매도 0.01 170.45100 169.81700 170.13400 170.45000 -31.6 -2.39 26m -0.22%
12.05.2023 16:15:35 12.05.2023 16:38:17 XAUUSD 매수 0.01 2018.01000 2025.66000 2017.88000 2018.00000 12.0 0.05 22m +0.00%
11.05.2023 15:30:37 11.05.2023 15:56:13 XAUUSD 매수 0.01 - - 2039.42000 2036.75000 -267.0 -2.74 25m -0.26%
10.05.2023 11:31:15 10.05.2023 11:38:58 EURUSD 매도 0.10 - 1.09545 1.09556 1.09579 -2.3 -3.00 7m -0.28%
04.05.2023 13:56:12 10.05.2023 11:31:12 EURUSD 매수 0.06 - 1.11072 1.10617 1.09555 -106.2 -65.98 5d -5.82%
09.05.2023 10:17:46 10.05.2023 00:59:57 EURAUD 매수 0.01 1.61886 1.63434 1.62473 1.61835 -63.8 -4.43 14h 42m -0.39%
02.05.2023 22:21:21 09.05.2023 23:07:50 EURUSD 매도 0.03 - 1.08462 1.10037 1.09629 40.8 13.01 7d +1.16%
페이지 145
미체결 주문이 없음.
미결제 거래 없음.
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