Draco Signals

Thứ hạng #720 , Thực tế , USD , Darwinex , 1:200 ,MetaTrader 4, $90.00/Month

Draco Signals

Thứ hạng #720 , Thực tế , USD , Darwinex , 1:200 ,MetaTrader 4, $90.00/Month

Draco EA is an expert advisor (EA) that employs a swing trading strategy based on the mean reversion concept in the foreign exchange (forex) market. It is designed to trade a basket of currency pairs simultaneously, which can provide diversification benefits and potentially increase profits.

One of the key features of Draco EA is its ability to trade with a variety of brokers, regardless of leverage. This makes it a versatile option for traders with different account sizes and risk tolerances.

The mean reversion strategy used by Draco EA involves identifying market conditions that are either overbought or oversold, then taking positions in the opposite direction, with the expectation that the market will eventually revert to its mean. The EA uses various technical indicators and analysis tools to identify these conditions and enter and exit trades at optimal times.

Overall, Draco EA is a reliable and effective trading tool for forex traders who want to trade a basket of currency pairs using a swing trading approach based on mean reversion. With its ability to work with brokers regardless of leverage, it is a flexible option for traders of all levels.

★ Leverage 1:30
★ Minimum Deposit: USD 1000

Sơ đồ khoản thu được

3 Giây trước
Số liệu thống kê có từ trước
  • Số dư: $2140.59
  • Vốn cổ phần: (100.48%) $2,150.86
  • PL thả nổi: $10.27
  • Tiền ký quỹ: $1607.61
  • Số tiền rút: $4,906.24
  • Các giao dịch: 1,517
  • Pips: 56,716.5
  • Số tiền giành được: 72%
  • Trung bình Thời gian giao dịch: 6d
  • Các lô : 14.47
  • Hệ số lợi nhuận: 1.95
  • Hàng ngày: 0.40%
  • Hàng tháng: 12.83%
  • Số lượng giao dịch mỗi tháng 61
  • Mức kỳ vọng: 37.4 Pips / $3.53
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Hoạt động Timezone: GMT +3
Ngày mở Ngày đóng Biểu tượng Hành động Các lô SL TP Mở Đóng Pips Lợi nhuận Thời gian Lợi
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25.04.2024 09:43:30 02.05.2024 15:46:36 GBPJPY Bán 0.01 204.51200 191.70000 194.51200 193.50800 100.4 4.73 7d +0.22%
15.04.2024 15:30:11 02.05.2024 15:46:35 USDJPY Bán 0.01 162.96900 152.90000 154.27100 154.44200 -17.1 -4.97 17d -0.23%
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02.05.2024 02:00:01 02.05.2024 04:21:53 GBPJPY Mua 0.01 - - 194.82700 195.61600 78.9 4.99 2h 21m +0.23%
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Trang của 154
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Trang của 1
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