SwissForexTrends Sinais

Classificação #629 , Real , CHF , IC Markets , 1:400 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

SwissForexTrends Sinais

Classificação #629 , Real , CHF , IC Markets , 1:400 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

Welcome to SwissForexTrends, your expert in Forex Trading. With several years of trading experience and a proven risk management strategy. Let's dive into the world of foreign exchange together and make your financial freedom dream a reality.

To avoid a total crash of your account. Please take the following sizes. With 1000.- a lot size of 0.01 is taken. With more risk also 0.03 per 1000.- can be made.

Not many trades are opened at once and re-buying is often avoided.

Thank you for your trust!

Gráfico de ganhos

há 1 minuto
Estatísticas avançadas
  • Saldo: CHF1007.55
  • Capital: (94.07%) CHF947.78
  • P/G variáveis: -CHF59.77
  • Depósitos: CHF90.08
  • Retiradas: CHF0
  • Negociações: 914
  • Pips: 5,685.3
  • Ganho: 83%
  • Tempo Méd. de negociação: 1d
  • Lotes : 27.07
  • Fator de lucro: 1.8
  • Diariamente: 0.53%
  • Mensalmente: 17.26%
  • Negociações por mês 61
  • Expectativa: 6.2 Pips / CHF1
Mensalmente Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Atividade Timezone: GMT +3
Data de abertura Data de encerramento Símbolo Ação Lotes SL TP Abrir Fechar Pips Lucro Duração Ganho
15.04.2024 00:38:39 23.04.2024 16:50:05 AUDCAD Comprar 0.08 0.39281 1.39281 0.89154 0.88513 -64.1 -36.34 8d -3.48%
18.04.2024 23:41:04 23.04.2024 16:50:04 AUDCAD Comprar 0.08 0.38398 1.38398 0.88400 0.88512 11.2 4.80 4d +0.46%
19.04.2024 04:36:11 23.04.2024 16:50:03 AUDCAD Comprar 0.08 0.37920 1.37926 0.87897 0.88513 61.6 31.84 4d +3.16%
17.04.2024 09:49:11 17.04.2024 10:58:17 NZDCAD Vender 0.08 1.31650 0.31650 0.81651 0.81569 8.2 3.80 1h 9m +0.38%
15.04.2024 00:18:35 17.04.2024 09:49:10 NZDCAD Comprar 0.08 0.32091 1.32091 0.81933 0.81650 -28.3 -15.56 2d -1.53%
16.04.2024 06:17:06 17.04.2024 09:49:09 NZDCAD Comprar 0.08 0.31126 1.31126 0.81124 0.81650 52.6 27.17 1d +2.74%
04.04.2024 03:52:31 10.04.2024 16:13:46 AUDCAD Vender 0.08 1.38871 0.38870 0.88873 0.89276 -40.3 -22.10 6d -2.18%
08.04.2024 16:56:31 10.04.2024 16:13:45 AUDCAD Vender 0.08 1.39767 0.39767 0.89769 0.89276 49.3 25.72 1d +2.60%
03.04.2024 18:32:48 10.04.2024 15:33:33 NZDCAD Vender 0.08 1.31053 0.31053 0.81053 0.82108 -105.5 -57.80 6d -5.53%
09.04.2024 04:33:46 10.04.2024 15:33:32 NZDCAD Vender 0.08 1.32038 0.32038 0.82036 0.82110 -7.4 -4.63 1d -0.44%
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