Ice Cold Sinais

Classificação #577 , Real , EUR , RoboForex , 1:300 ,MetaTrader 4, $45.00/Month

Ice Cold Sinais

Classificação #577 , Real , EUR , RoboForex , 1:300 ,MetaTrader 4, $45.00/Month

i have Non Stop Live Trading experience from 2010 with currency pair and Stock Trading Etc ,
mainly i m GBP and USD specialist ....!
The way of MY trading style Price Action with some unique Strategy ....!
Excellent traders do not only look at profitability, but also the ability to resolve risks.

Gráfico de ganhos

28 Segundos atrás
Estatísticas avançadas
  • Saldo: €28334.83
  • Capital: (90.90%) €25,755.31
  • P/G variáveis: -€2579.52
  • Depósitos: €130937.61
  • Retiradas: €112,840.28
  • Negociações: 4,435
  • Pips: -10,674.1
  • Ganho: 72%
  • Tempo Méd. de negociação: 1d
  • Lotes : 962.7
  • Fator de lucro: 1.17
  • Diariamente: 0.12%
  • Mensalmente: 3.75%
  • Negociações por mês 127
  • Expectativa: -2.4 Pips / €2.21
Mensalmente Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Atividade Timezone: GMT +3
Data de abertura Data de encerramento Símbolo Ação Lotes SL TP Abrir Fechar Pips Lucro Duração Ganho
26.04.2024 13:26:48 26.04.2024 15:50:02 GBPUSD Vender 0.85 - - 1.25127 1.25008 11.9 92.44 2h 23m +0.33%
10.04.2024 16:50:05 26.04.2024 11:42:37 EURUSD Comprar 0.47 - - 1.07512 1.07522 1.0 -72.57 15d -0.26%
10.04.2024 17:05:04 26.04.2024 11:31:31 EURUSD Comprar 0.47 - - 1.07472 1.07478 0.6 -74.32 15d -0.26%
10.04.2024 18:48:03 26.04.2024 11:25:43 EURUSD Comprar 0.65 - - 1.07369 1.07438 6.9 -64.68 15d -0.23%
25.04.2024 18:49:20 26.04.2024 02:16:29 GBPUSD Vender 0.85 - - 1.24942 1.25117 -17.5 -142.60 7h 27m -0.50%
25.04.2024 15:40:20 25.04.2024 21:42:41 EURUSD Comprar 0.09 - - 1.06940 1.07251 31.1 25.92 6h 2m +0.09%
12.04.2024 11:56:03 25.04.2024 15:33:21 EURUSD Comprar 0.09 - - 1.06755 1.07060 30.5 14.94 13d +0.05%
10.04.2024 19:13:04 25.04.2024 15:30:16 EURUSD Comprar 0.65 - - 1.07307 1.07390 8.3 -50.37 14d -0.18%
25.04.2024 13:52:56 25.04.2024 15:30:13 EURUSD Vender 0.85 - - 1.07246 1.07402 -15.6 -125.16 1h 37m -0.44%
12.04.2024 14:00:18 25.04.2024 10:57:13 NZDUSD Comprar 0.09 - - 0.59584 0.59590 0.6 -2.87 12d -0.01%
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