Chief Forex Trader Sinais

Classificação Pendente , Real , USD , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $100.00/Month

Chief Forex Trader Sinais

Classificação Pendente , Real , USD , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $100.00/Month

The system based on two strategies that focus on trade accuracy, there will not be too much trades because the main aim of trades is to has high accuracy of winning trades compared to loss trades

strategy No.1: Long term trades
Long term trades based on Fundamental analysis -the news of interest rate and inflation rate update from Central Banks

strategy No.2: short term trades

It is a combination between supply and demand area, price action, support and resistance and Digital analysis

Gráfico de ganhos

Apr 12 2019 a 01:02
Estatísticas avançadas
  • Saldo: $29203.24
  • Capital: (99.24%) $28,982.32
  • P/G variáveis: -$220.92
  • Depósitos: $17397.48
  • Retiradas: $428.01
  • Negociações: 408
  • Pips: 9,733
  • Ganho: 63%
  • Tempo Méd. de negociação: 1d
  • Lotes : 116.2
  • Fator de lucro: 2.26
  • Diariamente: 0.04%
  • Mensalmente: 1.24%
  • Negociações por mês 6
  • Expectativa: 23.9 Pips / $29.98
Mensalmente Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Atividade Timezone: GMT +3
Data de abertura Data de encerramento Símbolo Ação Lotes SL TP Abrir Fechar Pips Lucro Duração Ganho
02.04.2019 10:46:56 10.04.2019 20:30:48 EURUSD Limite de compra 0.48 0.91371 1.12111 1.11371 1.12757 0.0 0.00 8d +0.00%
05.04.2019 00:12:19 10.04.2019 19:54:14 NZDUSD Comprar 0.32 0.65818 0.73362 0.67581 0.67656 7.5 21.76 5d +0.07%
05.04.2019 17:05:22 10.04.2019 19:54:12 NZDUSD Comprar 0.60 0.65840 0.73400 0.67265 0.67656 39.1 230.40 5d +0.80%
05.04.2019 19:05:23 10.04.2019 19:54:11 USDJPY Vender 0.60 111.95000 106.06400 111.72700 110.87500 85.2 456.86 5d +1.60%
03.04.2019 20:47:00 05.04.2019 17:05:30 NZDUSD Limite de compra 0.60 0.66700 0.73400 0.67200 0.67264 0.0 0.00 1d +0.00%
21.03.2019 19:30:02 03.04.2019 12:41:29 EURUSD Comprar 0.06 1.03458 1.12741 1.13458 1.12496 -96.2 -58.14 12d -0.20%
22.03.2019 11:47:17 03.04.2019 12:41:24 EURUSD Comprar 0.06 1.02900 1.12741 1.12900 1.12496 -40.4 -24.66 12d -0.09%
28.03.2019 11:09:01 03.04.2019 12:41:19 EURUSD Comprar 0.12 1.02357 1.12741 1.12357 1.12492 13.5 15.36 6d +0.05%
02.04.2019 10:46:55 03.04.2019 12:41:14 EURUSD Comprar 0.24 1.01904 1.12741 1.11904 1.12492 58.8 139.44 1d +0.49%
02.04.2019 01:02:59 03.04.2019 09:39:17 GBPUSD Comprar 0.50 1.29525 1.33125 1.30664 1.31661 99.7 495.00 1d +1.77%
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