StableFX 신호

순위 대기 중 , 실제 거래 , USD , Tickmill , 1:200 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

StableFX 신호

순위 대기 중 , 실제 거래 , USD , Tickmill , 1:200 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

Hi,Forex Trader

This signal is not a martingale, or does it multiple risk in any way ,all trades not be hold longer than 5 hour, 0.01 lots per every $100 in the balance, and the max risk per pair is no more than 10% per pair. It trades up to 20 different pairs and normally only 1 position per pair. You can start with a minimum of $100, but I recommended is 1000$

My signal expected monthly gain around 5-10% per Month.
Drawdown never more than 15%
Avg. Trade per week : 5-20

Please remember your account types must be STP/ECN ,low spread and low latency time.You should see similar or at least profitable results. If not,you broker may high spreads or poor connection to the market.I recommend to use Tickmill broker same as my account. Tickmill has low spreads, only $2 per side per lot, average execution speed 0.3 seconds and got regulated FCA UK , FSA SC. If you want to register a new account,please use our IB-Link:

Happy Trade.
Contact :
Tickmill web site :

이익 차트

Oct 21 2017 에 14:11
고급 통계
  • 잔고: $0.46
  • 순자산: (100.00%) $0.46
  • 유동 손익(PL): $0.00
  • 예치금: $1561.24
  • 인출금: $2,066
  • 거래 횟수: 1,022
  • 핍수: 1,209.1
  • 승률: 77%
  • 평균 거래 시간: 1h 5m
  • 랏수 : 98.95
  • 이익 계수: 1.24
  • 일간: 0.01%
  • 월간: 0.41%
  • 월 거래횟수 11
  • 기대수익률: 1.2 핍수 / $0.49
월간 Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
활동 Timezone: GMT +3
개시 날짜 종료 날짜 심벌 투자행동 랏수 손절(SL) 익절(TP) 시가 종료 핍수 이익 보유 기간 이익
09.10.2017 08:50:03 - - 인출 - - - -106.00 - -
01.09.2017 00:12:30 01.09.2017 00:32:35 USDJPY 매수 0.01 - 109.98700 109.95600 109.98900 3.3 0.26 20m +0.24%
31.08.2017 22:55:37 31.08.2017 23:37:38 GBPJPY 매수 0.01 - 142.20100 142.15500 142.20300 4.8 0.38 42m +0.36%
30.08.2017 23:14:07 30.08.2017 23:33:33 CHFJPY 매수 0.01 - 114.46500 114.43200 114.46800 3.6 0.29 19m +0.27%
30.08.2017 00:12:23 30.08.2017 02:11:31 EURCAD 매수 0.01 - 1.49825 1.49843 1.49825 -1.8 -0.19 1h 59m -0.18%
30.08.2017 00:05:00 30.08.2017 01:29:23 EURUSD 매수 0.01 - 1.19732 1.19722 1.19732 1.0 0.05 1h 24m +0.05%
30.08.2017 00:01:40 30.08.2017 00:56:29 USDCAD 매수 0.01 - 1.25185 1.25144 1.25185 4.1 0.29 54m +0.28%
29.08.2017 00:04:02 29.08.2017 00:30:39 USDJPY 매수 0.02 - 109.36900 109.26100 108.84000 -42.1 -7.82 26m -6.53%
29.08.2017 00:05:05 29.08.2017 00:30:39 CADJPY 매수 0.02 - 87.45300 87.32800 86.97100 -35.7 -6.62 25m -5.91%
29.08.2017 00:07:53 29.08.2017 00:30:38 USDCHF 매수 0.02 - 0.95595 0.95514 0.95314 -20.0 -4.28 22m -3.45%
페이지 104
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