Sphinx Fx Segnali

Grado In attesa , Reale , USD , Tickmill , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

Sphinx Fx Segnali

Grado In attesa , Reale , USD , Tickmill , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

This signal is a mix of manual and auto trading. Mostly breakout, bounce from the support/resistance.

Working drawdown not more than 1-10%, could be maximum 15% per month; Although i try to keep the drawdown to minimum, please do not panic if it goes above 10-15%, if there is a strong support/resistance area i will keep the positions open and will try to recover even closing in profit, but if i see no chance of recover all the trades will be closed in minus, without waiting for the maximum drawdown to occur.

Monthly profit of 15-30% all depending on the market conditions.

You may use any broker and any leverage, but 1:500 would be recommended. I usually trade during the active hours of the market, most of the time closing the trades same day, however sometimes they maybe kept open for several days, depending on the target and the major technical analysis.

Recommended account balance at least 500$, best would be 1,000$ to start with.

My server is Tickmill-Live02

Grafico dei guadagni

Nov 19 2018 alle 13:45
Statistiche avanzate
  • Saldo: $0.00
  • Capitale netto: (0%) $0
  • P.P. oscillanti: $0.00
  • Depositi: $1000.00
  • Prelievi: $2,726.36
  • Negoziazioni: 677
  • Punti: 11,993
  • Vinto: 61%
  • Media: 13h 24m
  • Lotti : 34.84
  • Fattore di utili: 1.66
  • Giornaliero: 0.04%
  • Mensile: 1.35%
  • Operazioni al mese 8
  • Aspettativa: 17.7 Punti / $2.55
Mensile Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Attività Timezone: GMT +3
Data di apertura Data di chiusura Simbolo Azione Lotti SL TP Aperto Chiuso Punti Utili Durata Guadagno
28.08.2017 11:30:59 - - Prelievo - - - -1021.78 - -
18.08.2017 11:00:00 28.08.2017 00:05:06 EURGBP Vendere 0.01 - 0.91328 0.90918 0.92485 -156.7 -20.21 9d -1.94%
18.08.2017 15:05:01 28.08.2017 00:05:05 EURGBP Vendere 0.01 - 0.91328 0.91144 0.92487 -134.3 -17.32 9d -1.64%
23.08.2017 10:55:33 28.08.2017 00:05:04 EURGBP Vendere 0.02 - 0.91328 0.91887 0.92486 -59.9 -15.43 4d -1.44%
22.08.2017 10:49:48 28.08.2017 00:05:04 EURGBP Vendere 0.02 - 0.91328 0.91689 0.92487 -79.8 -20.53 5d -1.87%
18.08.2017 18:22:58 28.08.2017 00:05:04 EURGBP Vendere 0.01 - 0.91328 0.91446 0.92487 -104.1 -13.42 9d -1.21%
23.08.2017 15:12:37 28.08.2017 00:05:03 EURGBP Vendere 0.03 - 0.91328 0.92130 0.92486 -35.6 -13.73 4d -1.22%
25.08.2017 22:07:50 28.08.2017 00:05:03 EURGBP Vendere 0.04 - 0.91328 0.92489 0.92486 0.3 0.03 2d +0.00%
23.08.2017 17:00:51 24.08.2017 13:30:03 GBPJPY Acquistare 0.10 139.62000 140.78200 139.61900 140.20900 59.0 53.88 20h 29m +5.04%
23.08.2017 16:31:06 23.08.2017 16:58:41 GBPJPY Acquistare 0.10 139.65400 - 139.65400 139.65300 -0.1 -0.60 27m -0.06%
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