Happiness Segnali

Grado In attesa , Reale , USD , MultiBank , 1:100 ,MetaTrader 4, $125.00/Month

Happiness Segnali

Grado In attesa , Reale , USD , MultiBank , 1:100 ,MetaTrader 4, $125.00/Month

Applying our unique and adaptable trading strategy which has proven effective for nearly six years in these ever changing markets. Has brought us a lot of Happiness in the process :-)

Grafico dei guadagni

Sep 29 2021 alle 16:47
Statistiche avanzate
  • Saldo: $12653.46
  • Capitale netto: (101.08%) $12,789.66
  • P.P. oscillanti: $136.20
  • Depositi: $40694.27
  • Prelievi: $130,364.37
  • Negoziazioni: 673
  • Punti: 23,415.8
  • Vinto: 83%
  • Media: 4h 30m
  • Lotti : 1,207.13
  • Fattore di utili: 5.32
  • Giornaliero: 0.17%
  • Mensile: 5.31%
  • Operazioni al mese 7
  • Aspettativa: 34.8 Punti / $152.24
The equity includes a credit of $136.20.
Mensile Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Attività Timezone: GMT +3
Data di apertura Data di chiusura Simbolo Azione Lotti SL TP Aperto Chiuso Punti Utili Durata Guadagno
28.09.2021 03:52:32 28.09.2021 14:48:57 GBPAUD... Vendere 0.70 - - 1.88311 1.87538 77.3 392.85 10h 56m +3.17%
16.09.2021 16:24:10 22.09.2021 02:39:39 XAUUSD... Acquistare 0.50 - - 1760.12000 1774.48000 1436.0 710.16 5d +6.08%
10.09.2021 04:50:06 10.09.2021 20:41:46 XAUUSD... Vendere 0.50 - - 1795.01000 1790.88000 413.0 206.50 15h 51m +1.80%
09.09.2021 20:38:56 09.09.2021 21:44:46 XAUUSD... Vendere 0.50 - - 1797.79000 1794.51000 328.0 164.00 1h 5m +1.45%
09.09.2021 16:19:13 09.09.2021 17:05:04 XAUUSD... Vendere 0.50 - - 1796.82000 1789.05000 777.0 388.50 45m +3.56%
09.09.2021 16:28:04 09.09.2021 17:05:01 XAUUSD... Vendere 0.50 - - 1798.96000 1788.88000 1008.0 504.00 36m +4.84%
01.09.2021 05:04:43 09.09.2021 12:11:18 GBPJPY... Vendere 0.50 - - 151.41100 151.77700 -36.6 -185.67 8d -1.75%
01.09.2021 13:40:50 09.09.2021 12:11:13 GBPJPY... Vendere 0.50 - - 151.73000 151.77300 -4.3 -38.70 7d -0.36%
03.09.2021 04:36:26 09.09.2021 12:11:10 GBPJPY... Vendere 0.50 - - 152.08000 151.77500 30.5 127.30 6d +1.21%
03.09.2021 13:06:12 09.09.2021 12:11:06 GBPJPY... Vendere 0.50 - - 152.02600 151.78400 24.2 98.64 5d +0.95%
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