axileader Segnali

Grado In attesa , Reale , USD , Axi , 1:400 ,MetaTrader 4, $59.00/Month

axileader Segnali

Grado In attesa , Reale , USD , Axi , 1:400 ,MetaTrader 4, $59.00/Month

I am a trader with more than 13years of trading experience in foreign exchange futures and CFD indices. I trade a wide variety of goods, including foreign exchange, gold and silver, copper, coffee, soybeans, natural gas and Nasdaq, Dow, China A50 and Bitcoin. These varieties vary in different trader spreads, overnight interest rates, and rollover rules. Please check carefully and choose the right dealer to avoid unnecessary transaction costs.

Grafico dei guadagni

Jul 30 2020 alle 06:33
Statistiche avanzate
  • Saldo: $99819.28
  • Capitale netto: (50.62%) $50,531.21
  • P.P. oscillanti: -$49288.07
  • Depositi: $166463.39
  • Prelievi: $147,545.85
  • Negoziazioni: 4,120
  • Punti: 1,048,569.9
  • Vinto: 71%
  • Media: 6d
  • Lotti : 4,950.83
  • Fattore di utili: 1.6
  • Giornaliero: 0.14%
  • Mensile: 4.14%
  • Operazioni al mese 56
  • Aspettativa: 254.5 Punti / $19.63
Mensile Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Attività Timezone: GMT +2
Data di apertura Data di chiusura Simbolo Azione Lotti SL TP Aperto Chiuso Punti Utili Durata Guadagno
29.07.2020 09:51:16 29.07.2020 10:14:57 CHINA50.FS Vendere 1.00 - 15047.34000 15246.00000 15219.00000 27.0 27.50 23m +0.03%
29.07.2020 06:36:48 29.07.2020 08:24:41 CHINA50.FS Acquistare 1.00 - 15220.52000 15128.00000 15168.00000 40.0 40.00 1h 47m +0.04%
29.07.2020 04:49:56 29.07.2020 08:01:24 CHINA50.FS Vendere 1.00 - - 15084.00000 15078.00000 6.0 6.25 3h 11m +0.01%
29.07.2020 06:07:32 29.07.2020 06:21:36 CHINA50.FS Vendere 1.00 - - 15209.00000 15161.00000 48.0 47.50 14m +0.05%
29.07.2020 05:24:15 29.07.2020 05:54:21 CHINA50.FS Vendere 1.00 - 15002.97000 15153.00000 15168.00000 -15.0 -15.00 30m -0.02%
29.07.2020 05:29:57 29.07.2020 05:53:46 CHINA50.FS Vendere 1.00 - - 15186.00000 15174.00000 12.0 12.50 23m +0.01%
29.07.2020 05:35:03 29.07.2020 05:52:40 CHINA50.FS Vendere 2.00 - - 15229.00000 15173.00000 56.0 112.50 17m +0.11%
29.07.2020 05:33:40 29.07.2020 05:52:37 CHINA50.FS Vendere 1.00 - - 15224.00000 15164.00000 60.0 60.00 18m +0.06%
29.07.2020 05:33:30 29.07.2020 05:52:35 CHINA50.FS Vendere 1.00 - - 15226.00000 15164.00000 62.0 62.50 19m +0.06%
28.07.2020 13:49:21 28.07.2020 16:06:51 SILVER.FS Acquistare 0.01 - 24.27900 23.59000 24.12000 53.0 25.25 2h 17m +0.03%
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