TargetAlpha Segnali

Grado In attesa , Reale , USD , Trader's Way , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $50.00/Month

TargetAlpha Segnali

Grado In attesa , Reale , USD , Trader's Way , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $50.00/Month

Our trading system is designed to maximize profits, while limiting risk.

Our propriety algorithm is designed to profit from inefficiencies in the market while limiting our downside risk.

There is a stop loss attached to each trade, and we do not hold positions over the weekend.

Grafico dei guadagni

Apr 25 alle 21:17
Statistiche avanzate
  • Saldo: $0.00
  • Capitale netto: (0%) $0
  • P.P. oscillanti: $0.00
  • Depositi: $500.00
  • Prelievi: $465.88
  • Negoziazioni: 59
  • Punti: -203.8
  • Vinto: 56%
  • Media: 20h 34m
  • Lotti : 0.73
  • Fattore di utili: 0.76
  • Giornaliero: -0.01%
  • Mensile: -0.25%
  • Operazioni al mese 2
  • Aspettativa: -3.5 Punti / -$0.58
Mensile Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Attività Timezone: GMT +3
Data di apertura Data di chiusura Simbolo Azione Lotti SL TP Aperto Chiuso Punti Utili Durata Guadagno
21.01.2022 17:41:27 - - Prelievo - - - -465.88 - -
20.01.2022 22:00:04 21.01.2022 17:25:45 GBPUSD Vendere 0.01 1.35761 1.35222 1.36140 1.35480 66.0 6.55 19h 25m +1.43%
20.01.2022 22:00:02 21.01.2022 17:25:42 EURUSD Vendere 0.01 1.13884 1.12285 1.13126 1.13441 -31.5 -3.17 19h 25m -0.69%
18.01.2022 20:00:05 21.01.2022 11:31:00 USDCHF Acquistare 0.02 0.91185 0.92344 0.91742 0.91182 -56.0 -12.49 2d -2.63%
20.01.2022 18:00:02 21.01.2022 10:04:58 USDJPY Vendere 0.02 113.93600 113.29500 113.98800 113.93700 5.1 0.80 16h 4m +0.17%
20.01.2022 06:00:02 20.01.2022 22:14:07 USDCAD Vendere 0.02 1.24840 1.24183 1.24953 1.24845 10.8 1.67 16h 14m +0.35%
20.01.2022 03:00:01 20.01.2022 21:16:29 AUDUSD Acquistare 0.02 0.72457 0.72973 0.72368 0.72455 8.7 1.70 18h 16m +0.36%
19.01.2022 22:00:02 20.01.2022 19:50:25 GBPUSD Acquistare 0.01 1.36314 1.37178 1.36261 1.36313 5.2 0.43 21h 50m +0.09%
18.01.2022 22:00:02 20.01.2022 13:14:10 EURUSD Acquistare 0.01 1.13384 1.14077 1.13280 1.13380 10.0 0.80 1d +0.17%
19.01.2022 18:00:03 20.01.2022 04:34:37 USDJPY Vendere 0.02 114.33000 113.59600 114.34200 114.34600 -0.4 -0.26 10h 34m -0.06%
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