SteadyEA Platinum الإشارات

الترتيب معلق , حقيقي , USD , FXDD , 1:50 ,MetaTrader 4, $55.00/Month

SteadyEA Platinum الإشارات

الترتيب معلق , حقيقي , USD , FXDD , 1:50 ,MetaTrader 4, $55.00/Month

6+ years of backtest (495% return & DD24%):

- The first 20 clients can copy our signals for only $55, instead of $80
- PAMM account management is available for this EA for non-US traders only at FXDD (no-upfront fees, just trade-per commissions which is only $0.1 per 0.01 lot commissions, no contract. Message me at NoStressForexMachine at gmail dot com)

Steady EA System is a fully automated EA which trades based on reversal during consolidations. Each open position is protected by a fixed TP and SL of 90 pips to minimize possible drawdown. In reality, the algorithm looks for reversals and executes TP in real time. Since TP points vary based on price, volume, and volatility in real market condition, it is not statically set in the beginning but rather computed for every tick at run time. Realistically, this EA will look for reversals using proprietary settings of oscillator indicators behind the scene.

Why Steady EA System?
-Designed, developed, tested, and optimized by a professional software engineer (ex-Microsoft engineer) with 6+ years of Forex market experience
-Stress-tested with the past 6 years of historical data with 90% modelling quality
-Live-tested for 1+ years since 2015
-Optimized after backtesting 10,000+ different variables on EA
-Relatively low drawdown, averaging 15% yearly drawdown
-High profit factor

الرسم البياني للمكسب

Nov 19 2018 في 13:52
الإحصائيات المتقدمة
  • الرصيد: $0.00
  • حقوق الملكية: (0%) $0
  • الربح/الخسارة المتغيرة: $0.00
  • الإيداعات: $150.00
  • السحوبات: $73.94
  • التداولات: 51
  • النقاط: -787.3
  • الربح: 49%
  • متوسط وقت التداول: 5h 54m
  • الحصص : 0.51
  • عامل الربح: 0.3
  • يوميًا: -0.02%
  • شهريًا: -0.73%
  • التداولات لكل شهر 1
  • التوقع: -15.4 النقاط / -$1.49
شهريًا Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
النشاط Timezone: GMT +3
تاريخ الفتح تاريخ الإغلاق الرمز الإجراء الحصص إيقاف الخسائر جني الربح مفتوح الإغلاق النقاط الربح المدة المكسب
28.07.2016 21:09:26 - - السحب - - - -73.94 - -
13.06.2016 02:26:53 13.06.2016 07:55:18 USDJPY شراء 0.01 105.66100 107.56100 106.66200 105.88300 -77.9 -7.36 5h 28m -5.16%
13.06.2016 02:26:32 13.06.2016 07:55:18 USDJPY شراء 0.01 105.68100 107.58100 106.68300 105.88300 -80.0 -7.56 5h 28m -5.03%
13.06.2016 02:37:42 13.06.2016 07:55:18 USDJPY شراء 0.01 105.54600 107.44600 106.54800 105.88300 -66.5 -6.28 5h 17m -5.82%
13.06.2016 02:36:46 13.06.2016 07:55:18 USDJPY شراء 0.01 105.57600 107.47600 106.57600 105.88300 -69.3 -6.54 5h 18m -5.71%
13.06.2016 02:34:24 13.06.2016 07:55:18 USDJPY شراء 0.01 105.59600 107.49600 106.59600 105.88300 -71.3 -6.73 5h 20m -5.55%
13.06.2016 02:28:30 13.06.2016 07:55:18 USDJPY شراء 0.01 105.62100 107.52100 106.62100 105.88300 -73.8 -6.97 5h 26m -5.44%
13.06.2016 01:15:54 13.06.2016 07:55:18 USDJPY شراء 0.01 105.69600 107.59600 106.69600 105.88300 -81.3 -7.68 6h 39m -4.86%
13.06.2016 02:27:03 13.06.2016 07:55:18 USDJPY شراء 0.01 105.64100 107.54100 106.64200 105.88300 -75.9 -7.17 5h 28m -5.30%
13.06.2016 01:10:34 13.06.2016 07:55:18 USDJPY شراء 0.01 105.71600 107.61600 106.71700 105.88300 -83.4 -7.88 6h 44m -4.75%
الصفحة من 6
لا توجد أوامر مفتوحة.
لا توجد تداولات مفتوحة.
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