PRO TREND الإشارات

الترتيب معلق , حقيقي , EUR , FBS , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

PRO TREND الإشارات

الترتيب معلق , حقيقي , EUR , FBS , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

18.10.2019: GBPUSD - insane drawdown - recovery will take time - sorry for that... BREXIT!

This is a trend following robot. When the market is trending, either going up or down, it's time for it to collect the cash. It's not made for the ranging market (indecisive up and down). In this time it'll be hard to make money. There will be losses which will be made up for it when it starts trending again. It will happen that there will be months where no profits are made because the market is persistently ranging. But after the range is before the trend and then it's our time to take a whole lot of it because we need to make up for the ranging time. For that reason - the unprofitable ranging times - the subscription fee is comparably low, so you can stay subscribed even with the feel of making no profits in the ranging times. You never know exactly when the trend is taking over, so it's good to stay in the game to be part from the first moment the trend takes over. But it's up to you. You can unsubscribe and re-subscribe whenever you want.

This signal has a fixed price of 30$. It's the lowest price possible on signal start.

- When subscribing the signal turn off “Copy Existing Trades”
- Leave the multiplier at 1.0
- Please consider the margin stop out level of your broker account. Mine is at 40%. Is your level higher means lowering the multiplier.

الرسم البياني للمكسب

Jun 26 2020 في 20:58
الإحصائيات المتقدمة
  • الرصيد: €35.56
  • حقوق الملكية: (261.42%) €92.96
  • الربح/الخسارة المتغيرة: €57.40
  • الإيداعات: €20275.00
  • السحوبات: €11,500
  • التداولات: 962
  • النقاط: 16,674.3
  • الربح: 49%
  • متوسط وقت التداول: 7d
  • الحصص : 272.33
  • عامل الربح: 0.87
  • يوميًا: -0.28%
  • شهريًا: -8.15%
  • التداولات لكل شهر 15
  • التوقع: 17.3 النقاط / -€9.08
شهريًا Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
النشاط Timezone: GMT +3
تاريخ الفتح تاريخ الإغلاق الرمز الإجراء الحصص إيقاف الخسائر جني الربح مفتوح الإغلاق النقاط الربح المدة المكسب
25.06.2020 11:00:25 25.06.2020 16:38:57 GBPUSD شراء 0.06 1.23250 1.25236 1.24338 1.24028 -31.0 -16.59 5h 38m -31.81%
24.06.2020 23:11:53 25.06.2020 12:54:11 GBPCAD شراء 0.16 1.69290 1.70377 1.69284 1.69288 0.4 -3.05 13h 42m -5.53%
25.06.2020 11:00:22 25.06.2020 11:00:34 GBPUSD شراء 0.06 1.23250 1.25189 1.24333 1.24319 -1.4 -0.74 12s -1.32%
25.06.2020 03:06:01 - - إيداع - - - 4.00 - -
24.06.2020 12:53:19 24.06.2020 16:26:37 AUDCAD شراء 0.32 0.93648 0.94071 0.93846 0.93648 -19.8 -41.41 3h 33m -44.36%
24.06.2020 11:16:05 24.06.2020 13:50:55 CHFJPY بيع 0.43 112.83200 112.11900 112.65200 112.83400 -18.2 -64.97 2h 34m -41.04%
24.06.2020 10:59:52 24.06.2020 12:52:51 AUDCAD بيع 0.20 0.94293 0.93025 0.93832 0.93851 -1.9 -2.48 1h 52m -1.54%
24.06.2020 11:10:08 24.06.2020 12:35:00 EURUSD بيع 0.20 1.12908 1.12416 1.12945 1.12918 2.7 4.78 1h 24m +3.06%
24.06.2020 11:11:26 24.06.2020 12:34:52 GBPCAD بيع 0.18 1.69782 1.67671 1.69277 1.69815 -53.8 -63.21 1h 23m -28.83%
24.06.2020 03:06:05 - - إيداع - - - 9.00 - -
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