BlackFX PRO الإشارات

الترتيب معلق , حقيقي , USD , FX Choice , 1:200 ,MetaTrader 4, $97.00/Month

BlackFX PRO الإشارات

الترتيب معلق , حقيقي , USD , FX Choice , 1:200 ,MetaTrader 4, $97.00/Month

Currency Pair Traded: EURUSD


Risk: 5%

The BlackFX PRO is primarily systematic (automated or “black box”) trading but includes a small amount of discretionary analysis / input in certain market conditions. The trading methodology is based on trend based price movements in multiple markets. The system starts by taking a micro snapshot of 1 particular currency pairs that may be headed then confirms the trend to determine a dynamic entry levels either on the EURUSD.

By using technical analysis and third-party aggregated economic data points the system is able to build a long-term view in the direction of a macro trend and take advantage of intra-day movements.

The BlackFX PRO develops a shorter term trading outlook for the EURUSD over the course of 48-72 hours, to take advantage of market opportunity. Other factors include analysis of trading ranges, market trends, and support/resistance points using proprietary indicators that determine levels for trading. Dynamic stops and targets are internally managed by the system as trading progresses.

Note: You can experience multiple small losses in a row but the profits are usually greater than 2-4 times greater than the loss.

الرسم البياني للمكسب

Apr 02 2020 في 21:04
الإحصائيات المتقدمة
  • الرصيد: $22192.53
  • حقوق الملكية: (100.00%) $22,192.53
  • الربح/الخسارة المتغيرة: $0.00
  • الإيداعات: $308623.30
  • السحوبات: $234,023.54
  • التداولات: 1,198
  • النقاط: -15,749.6
  • الربح: 62%
  • متوسط وقت التداول: 6d
  • الحصص : 1,755.65
  • عامل الربح: 0.84
  • يوميًا: -0.03%
  • شهريًا: -0.93%
  • التداولات لكل شهر 14
  • التوقع: -13.1 النقاط / -$43.75
شهريًا Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
النشاط Timezone: GMT +2
تاريخ الفتح تاريخ الإغلاق الرمز الإجراء الحصص إيقاف الخسائر جني الربح مفتوح الإغلاق النقاط الربح المدة المكسب
27.09.2018 00:06:30 26.12.2019 15:34:22 GBPUSD شراء 1.01 - - 1.31804 1.29860 -194.4 -6629.12 455d -23.00%
16.09.2019 17:30:29 26.12.2019 15:34:21 GBPUSD بيع 0.34 - - 1.24138 1.29874 -573.6 -1806.09 100d -5.90%
16.09.2019 11:37:47 26.12.2019 15:34:20 GBPUSD بيع 0.34 - - 1.24339 1.29874 -553.5 -1737.75 101d -5.37%
16.09.2019 16:56:27 26.12.2019 15:34:18 GBPUSD بيع 0.34 - - 1.24410 1.29874 -546.4 -1713.61 100d -4.92%
02.10.2019 21:15:44 26.12.2019 15:34:18 AUDJPY بيع 0.17 76.97300 73.02000 71.79200 75.96500 -417.3 -745.41 84d -2.25%
10.10.2019 05:49:30 26.12.2019 15:34:16 AUDJPY بيع 0.16 76.97300 73.02000 72.48500 75.96500 -348.0 -589.72 77d -1.67%
07.10.2019 05:56:30 26.12.2019 15:34:16 CHFJPY بيع 0.14 112.73600 108.51800 107.31800 111.74000 -442.2 -575.37 80d -1.60%
04.10.2019 06:23:20 26.12.2019 15:34:15 AUDJPY بيع 0.14 76.84500 73.02000 72.07600 75.96500 -388.9 -573.91 83d -1.57%
08.10.2019 05:47:49 26.12.2019 15:34:14 CHFJPY بيع 0.14 112.73900 108.51800 107.85300 111.73900 -388.6 -506.79 79d -1.37%
10.10.2019 17:09:20 26.12.2019 15:34:13 CHFJPY بيع 0.16 112.88800 108.20500 108.36700 111.73900 -337.2 -503.77 76d -1.34%
الصفحة من 176
لا توجد أوامر مفتوحة.
لا توجد تداولات مفتوحة.
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